How to Enjoy Summer Festivals

Back in the nineteen-hundreds, I learned some great lessons about festival behavior. While my festival days might be behind me, I'm happy to share a list of the sagest advice I gathered in my heyday.  

·       If you want to go, go. If you don't want to go, don't.

·       I suggest always making friends with the STAFF, not only for emergencies but also for the perks! Once, at a concert, I made friends with a security guard who handed me a lanyard with a backstage pass toward the end, where I ended up meeting the band and fangirling out—all thanks to having the nerve to tell the security guard a few jokes!

·       Don't take strangers' drugs (the keyword here is stranger).

·       Don't go alone—use the buddy system, especially for multiday festivals where you're camping en masse.

·       Use a small lock or zip tie to secure your tent while partying. Even the slightest security measure can significantly deter prowlers who have other options.

·       Bring layers, including rain gear, even though dancing in the rain with barely any clothes on is optimal for thorough enjoyment.

·       Pace yourself.

·       Don't wear new shoes. I don't care how cute they are.

·       Keep your carry-on light; water should be the main weight in your bag.

·       Have an emergency contact card on your body.

·       Give yourself time to recuperate—if you can afford to take the day after the festival off from work, do it. You can thank me later.

·       Stay safe, be kind to each other, stay positive, enjoy life!